Alexander Zeugin


    (← … https://www.om-arham.org/blog/view/13724/certificate-of-incorporation-of-the-kevalajnanavinayatapasya-sa%E1%B9%85gha)

    Article 9 [1 of 1]


    Parameter for avoidance of dispute within the community [1 of 1]

    Disagreements in the church are brought before the upādhyāya, who decide according to the scriptures and not otherwise.[1] Attention is to keep the manner of gathering and punishment at the level of the ṛṣis. The details are in sutra 261 on page 118 of Rājapraśnīya Sūtra 2nd Upānga from the Writings of the Sthānakavāsī Jain Order: OM-ARHAM .


    [next … → … https://www.om-arham.org/blog/view/13726/certificate-of-incorporation-of-the-kevalajnanavinayatapasya-sa%E1%B9%85gha]


    [1] The procedure here is based on the following 5 principles:


    1. Accusers/informers are with this informed that if the case cannot be proved, the intended consequence is to be borne themselves as prescribed in the Nīśita Sūtra.

    2. The words between student and teacher are always considered true.

    3. The related Jaina scriptures and regulations for the community in the āgamas. Among others, Mahāvīra presented his doctrine of the nāyas, the syādvāda (saptabhaṅginyya), according to which there can be seven alternatives to a crucial conclusion.

    Nāyas are actually the way of expressing the nature of things from different points of view; they are the ways of escaping the tendencies of insensitivity and dogmatism. They promote a tolerant attitude towards different religions. For more details see 'Saṁvara [part 1790]', including all annotations https://www.facebook.com/groups/692614454130155/permalink/1583574481700810 .

    4. It must be for the benefit of all for upward movement on the guṇasthānaka (ladder of spiritual purity). Visual representation, see https://www.facebook.com/messenger_media/?attachment_id=1181197542810333&message_id=mid.%24cAAAAAAavBJGKnZNKTGEbE4BCGzp0&thread_id=1192159949 .

    5. Criticism is allowed between teacher and student only when it is for the spiritual good of the student and only in the manner of a father-son relationship of a father who only wants the best for his son. Any other criticism falls under the 18 errors.