Alexander Zeugin


    (← … https://www.om-arham.org/blog/view/13733/certificate-of-incorporation-of-the-kevalajnanavinayatapasya-sa%E1%B9%85gha)



    The 25 Qualities of the upādhyāya.

    1-11        Knowledge of the 11 Aṅgas.

    12-23.      " " 12 Upāṅgas.


    24.           Caraṇasaptati.

                                                                10 yatidharmas

                                                                5 mahāvratas.

                                                                17 saṁyamas

                                                                10 vaiyāvṛttyas

                                                                9 brahmaguptis.

                                                                3 jewels.

                                                                12 tapas.

                                                                4 Control of the 4 kaṣāyas.

    ….25.        Karaṇasaptati.

                                                                4 piṇḍaviśuddhi.

                                                                5 samitis.

                                                                12 bhavanas.

                                                                12 prātimās (sādhuprātimās are a series of fasts. See Pañcā. Ch. 18).

    [The 12th pratimā is that of one day and one night and it is the description how the spiritual aspirant may achieve manaḥparyāya-jñāna (mind-reading knowledge); for the procedure and the elaboration see ‘Saṁvara [part 291]’ note 2 https://www.facebook.com/groups/692614454130155/posts/923354747722790/?comment_id=923355134389418 and the MS. “How I found my spiritual grandfather” (only available with the permission of the upādhyāya in the upāśraya’s bhāṇḍāra or in presence and permission of his disciple of that Kevalajñānavinayatāpasya-saṅgha). AΩ]

                                                                25 pratilechanās. Minute inspection of possessions to be sure they are devoid of life. Examination of 11 objects is made at dawn.

    1.             mukhapotikā, mouth cloth.

    2.             colapaṭṭa, loincloth.

    3.             Kalpa, 1 woolen dress.

    4.             " }

    5.             " } 2 cotton clothes

    6.             niṣadyā, inner cloth on whisk handle.

    7.             niṣadyā, outer cloth on whisk handle.

    8.             rajoharaṇa, whisk broom.

    9.             saṁstāraka, bedding.

    10.           uttarapaṭṭa, coverlet.

    11.           daṇḍa, staff.

                                                                At 03:00, the following 14 items will be examined.

    1.             mukhapotika

    2.             colapaṭṭa

    3.             gocchaka, lid for alms bowl.

    4.             Pātrapratilekhanikā, small brush for cleaning.

    5.             Pātrabandha, cloth to which alms-bowl is attached.

    6.             paṭalāni, 3 cloths used as coverings.

    7.             rajastrāṇa, cloth to cover alms bowl.

    8.             Pātrasthāpana, Cover on which pātras are placed when not in use.

    9.             Mātraka, a kind of pātra.

    10.           Patadgraha = patra.

    11.           rajoharaṇa = whisk broom;[1]

    12.           }

    13.           } kalpatrika, 3 clothes.

    14.           }

    See Pravac. 492-499, pages 118 f. and page 166, and Praś. 29, page 156.

                   3 guptis, see Jaina Sutras, Part II (SBE45): Uttarâdhyayana: Twenty-Fourth Lecture. The Samitis (sacred-texts.com) - https://sacred-texts.com/jai/sbe45/sbe4526.htm.

                   4 abhigrahas = special vows or resolutions.[2]


    For the caraṇasaptati and karaṇasaptati, see Pravacanasāroddhāra 552-596, pages 132 ff.


    Pratilekhanāviśuddhi: Pratilekhana are 25 types of scrutiny belonging to the seventy types of karaṇa. Besides the material meaning of upakaraṇa (ascetic equipment like broom, bowl, etc.), the spiritual meaning examines these listed qualities of sādhus, with the exception of parīṣahasahana (bearing of difficulties) and upasargasahana (bearing of suffering), which happen passively, the other qualities are active actions and 25 in number, and these must be maintained and remembered as a guide throughout the day for the sādhu or sādhvī to be remembered (purified) every morning. Supportive of this interpretation we find the word upakaraṇa in a note from Bhagavatī as auxiliary parts and since sādhu or sādhvī is on the spiritual path and the scriptures deal only with the spiritual aspects, we must take this meaning as more sustainable for attaining the goal (mokṣa).

    “Objective sense organs are made of matter and have two sides called nirvṛtti (external form) and upakaraṇa (their supporting sides). Subjective sense organs also have two sides, namely, labdhi (power) and upayoga (knowledge/perception). Objective organs exist only with the body, but subjective organs exist with the soul even when the body is abandoned." (Bhagavatī Sūtra, translation by K.C. Lalwani, Jain Bhavan, Calcutta 1973, Śataka 1, page 106, answer 242, note 149 on page 265). (That it is about 25 kinds of pratilekhanā, see King Pradeshi and Keshi Kumar Shraman, sequence six, note two (given in English) (20+) JAIN DHARM EK VEGYANIK DRSTIKON | 'Jñāna vinaya (viṇao) tapa [part 296] '|Facebook The whole story is in the Second Chapter of Rājapraśnīya Sūtra, see (3) JAIN DHARM EK VEGYANIK DRSTIKON | 'Jñāna vinaya (viṇao) tapa [part 292]’ | Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/groups/692614454130155/posts/703333153058285.


    [next … Appendix IV → … https://www.om-arham.org/blog/view/13735/certificate-of-incorporation-of-the-kevalajnanavinayatapasya-sa%E1%B9%85gha]



    [2] Abhigrahas are vows generated in accordance with dravya (substance), kāla (time), kṣētra (place), and bhāva (intentions). Such a vow cannot be determined without higher knowledge. For an example of such an abhigraha see Saṁvara of part 1219-1233 (20+) JAIN DHARM EK VEGYANIK DRSTIKON | Saṁvara [part 1219] | Facebook .